Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Blank Spines

It rather unnerves me that all of the books in the background of my blog are blank. They are simply stripes of color and nothing else.
A book without words on the cover is like a head with no face. They look bizarrely bald now, don't they? It makes me want to have a funeral for all those titles and author names and critic's blurbs and haphazard back-cover summaries. Poor book spines, we hardly knew ye. And how could we? You're nothing but bands of color. Like being best friends with somebody's hair. Or their manicure or lipstick color.
I wonder if they're blank on the inside.


  1. I am enjoying your musings, milady. Do carry on. :)

  2. Thank you! I will certainly try.
    Soonish I hope to start working on THE BOOK again (it's cooling), and then maybe I'll write some posts on it.
